There is no such thing as attracting money. Money does not flow to you in avalanches of abundance with the right mindset. Those main stream self-improvement ideas are unsubstantiated and nonsensical.
Here’s the reality of money:
It comes from someone else’s bank account. In most cases, that person is going to want something in return for giving up their money.
Money is lent into existence with interest. This means that at any given time there is more debt owed than money.
The latter is a structural component of money, and it does two things:
Creates artificial scarcity and forces us into competition against each other.
Forces us to value economic activity and growth above everything else in our lives so we can service those debts.
Magical thinking about money will always have you craving money and lining the pockets of those who pedal this thinking. Understanding the true nature of money will help you make better decisions around money and minimize its role in your life.