It’s around this time of year that I start thinking about new goals and how I want to shape my life. To facilitate this process, I like to pretend that my life is a game and I’m the game developer.
The benefit of the game perspective is that it creates separation between me and the “drama” of life. It displaces me from the seriousness of life so I can have a more playful and curious frame of mind when deciding on the type of world I want to create for myself.
As the game developer, my primary objective is world building. I want to build a world that my character, i.e., me, enjoys playing. Something that my character would find fascinating, challenging, playful, and beautiful.
I invest a considerable amount of time visualizing and world building with my imagination. I even put it on the calendar.
Once I land on something interesting and worth pursuing, I create projects from those ideas. Each project also gets a goal. From there, I have a roadmap for the world I want to develop and live in.
My process goes like this:
I imagine the world I want to build for myself. I look at all areas of my life and have fun exploring what I want.
I create 3 projects that I want to complete within the next year that will help shape my desired world.
And finally…
- Each project gets a goal. The purpose of each goal is to help me stay on track and drive the projects to completion.